PTSA Members Create Community
Please consider becoming a member of Hosford PTSA. Membership will allow you to have a voting voice in issues that affect your student and family. Follow this link to the Oregon PTA website, select Hosford PTSA from the “Select Your PTA Unit” drop-down menu and then just follow the instructions to join. Your membership is good from when you join until July 1st.
The Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) makes it a priority to maintain community support throughout the academic year. The PTSA has regular meetings and conversations with Hosford administrative leadership so that we align our volunteer and fundraising efforts to best serve the priorities of our students and staff. The PTSA raises funds through fundraisers and memberships and spends them to support teacher grants, supplement student groups and activities, and help the counseling team with resources to direct services (Hosford Resiliency Fund).
Why Join the Hosford PTSA?
Connect with your community
There is no better way to know what is happening at Hosford than to be a part of PTSA.
Discover great resources
The PTSA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students.
Tap into a network
PTSA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, building rapport and discussing issues that are on your mind. You can share ideas, concerns and experiences.
Witness improvement
By getting involved at Hosford you will be part of the solution and help to make positive changes.
Our PTSA plays an important role in fundraising to provide building improvements, curriculum based programs and social events. Being a member, you get to vote on how fundraising money is spent.