If you are a local business or restaurant who would like to help raise funds for Hosford Middle School, please contact us!
Get Ridwell and Funding for Hosford!
Sign up for Ridwell between now and 5/31/2024 using https://get.ridwell.com/hosford and Ridwell will pick up recycling from Hosford for the 24-25 school year!
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Link your Rewards Card to the Hosford PTSA and whenever you use your card, the PTSA earns a donation from Fred Meyer. It doesn’t affect your rewards and it does benefit Hosford. Visit the Fred Meyer website to enroll.BottleDrop
Return refundable cans and bottles and donate to Hosford from your BottleDrop account balance. Recycle your returnables and help Hosford at the same time!